Ms. Jennings Abigail Woerz » Home


Howdy! My name is Jennings Woerz! I attended Texas A&M University and graduated in 2020 with a degree in Leadership. After graduating, I decided to pursue alternative certification through iteach Texas and have recently obtained my full Texas Teacher Certification. I previously taught first grade and I am so excited to be joining the second-grade team at High Point Elementary this year. 


While I have several hobbies, I have loved reading since I was a kid and that passion for books has only increased as I have gotten older. Reading a book is my favorite way to decompress after a long day and I hope to instill a love of reading in my students. 


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Ms. Jennings Abigail Woerz
Pre-K Teacher
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936-894-3194 (fax)
11937 Hwy 105 E
Navasota, Texas 77868