Shelly Cameron » Posts


So many questions, so much to do to get ready for back to school...
  1. Is your name written on your supplies? If not, please write it. 
  2. How are you getting home the first day of school? Car or Bus and what is your Car tag number or Bus number....we must know. 
  3. After the first day of school, how will you get home every day? 
  4. YES! We will have recess! YES! We will have special classes too!
  5. Wear the proper shoes, not flip flops or slide sandals. 
  6. YES! We will eat lunch in the cafeteria!
  7. What about breakfast? 2nd grade will get their breakfast from the cafeteria before they come to homeroom class and bring it with them to eat in their homeroom between 7:00 am and 7:30 am.
  8. Water fountains are working, but students may bring their own water bottle with water in it, no other liquid, with their name written on it if they choose to do so. Students must keep up with their own. 
  9. Remember, no cell phones allowed in class or during the school day. Leave them home or turned off in your backpack please.
  10. Look for Class Dojo to communicate and get updates